Women in Fluid Dynamics UK


This SIG supports the engagement, retention and progression of women in the fluid dynamics discipline in academia and industry. There is currently a substantial underrepresentation of women in fluid dynamics at all career stages, and this SIG will provide a space to network, raise the profile of women across the breadth of fluid dynamics, support career development, be a voice for the community and to funders, and ultimately be a platform to enhance wider aspects of diversity in fluid dynamics. The SIG is open to all who have an interest in furthering the development of women in fluids.


L = leader; C = co-leader; * = Other key personnel

[L]  Claire Savy ( University of Leeds ): c.savy@leeds.ac.uk
[C]  Aimee Morgans ( Imperial College London ): a.morgans@imperial.ac.uk
Sarah Waters ( University of Oxford ):
Anne Juel ( University of Manchester ):
Swathi Krishna ( University of Southampton ):
Raffaella Ocone ( Heriot-Watt University ):
Christina Vanderwel ( University of Southampton ):
Emily Manchester ( University of Manchester; Imperial College London ):
Edwina Yeo ( University College London ):
Carolanne Vouriot ( University of Sheffield ):
Lois Baker ( University of Edinburgh ):
Sepideh Khodaparast ( University of Leeds ):
Cath Noakes ( University of Leeds ):
Puja Sunil ( University of Edinburgh; Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur ):


  • Enabling a better pipeline for women in fluids
  • Facilitating support and mentoring for women in fluids across career stages
  • Enhancing visibility and connectivity of women in fluids 
  • Supporting the development and progression of women in fluids  
  • Providing a mechanism to raise issues and highlight best practice, and to feed back to the UK fluids community, academic institutions and to UK research funders 


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